{"id":7048,"date":"2019-04-12T03:26:07","date_gmt":"2019-04-12T03:26:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=7048"},"modified":"2020-10-05T22:27:04","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T02:27:04","slug":"esl-one-birmingham-2019-betting-predictions-mineski-vs-tnc-predator","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/esl-one-birmingham-2019-betting-predictions-mineski-vs-tnc-predator\/","title":{"rendered":"ESL One Birmingham 2019 betting predictions – Mineski vs TNC Predator"},"content":{"rendered":"

Friday, April 12, 2019 – 18:00 UTC+8<\/strong><\/p>\n

TNC Predator will take on Mineski with a place in the main tournament of ESL One Birmingham on the line at the Southeast Asia Qualifier tonight.<\/p>\n

In the previous head-to-head match between these sides, Kuku, the position three player from TNC Predator, picked Dark Seer in the series.<\/p>\n

In game one, TNC Predator out-drafted Mineski with the last pick of Dark Seer to counter Nature Prophet threats in the laning phase.<\/p>\n


Nature Prophet is very strong in babysitting the carry with the help from his threat, but Dark Seer\u2019s Ion Shell was able to withstand the pressure from threats and them clear them away.<\/p>\n

As TNC Predator planned, Nature Prophet was unable to support his carry to farm and literally roamed the map without any objective throughout the whole game. Nature Prophet died 11 times and only killed one hero in the contest.<\/p>\n

Dark Seer was able to farm his Soul Ring and Helm of Dominator by the 11-minute mark. TNC Predator expanded the advantage by taking all towers outside of Mineski\u2019s base by the 20-minute mark, thanks to Dark Seer\u2019s Mekansm and Arcane Boots constantly providing health and mana regeneration to the team.<\/p>\n\n\n