{"id":6886,"date":"2019-03-08T03:21:36","date_gmt":"2019-03-08T03:21:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=6886"},"modified":"2019-03-10T23:46:20","modified_gmt":"2019-03-10T23:46:20","slug":"flying-penguins-become-the-first-team-to-advance-into-playoffs","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/flying-penguins-become-the-first-team-to-advance-into-playoffs\/","title":{"rendered":"Flying Penguins become the first team to advance into playoffs"},"content":{"rendered":"

Flying Penguins (FP) secured themselves top 4 in StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor after taking down both Royal Never Give Up (RNG) and Old but Gold in group stage yesterday.<\/p>\n

Similar to what we expected from Flying Penguins<\/a>, they drafted Shadow Shaman in all three games played against RNG yesterday.<\/p>\n

In game one, they put Shadow Shaman to babysit Necrophos in off-lane, which went well for them because their opponent Doom Bringer has zero armour and Shadow Shaman has base attack of 78 at level one. Doom Bringer could not find any farm in the lane and was zoned into farming Neutral Creeps in laning phase.<\/p>\n

Necrophos free farmed in laning phase and purchase Guardian Greeves by 21-minute mark. After he had the Guardian Greeves, Flying Penguin started to stick together and get objective by taking down all tower outside of enemy base.<\/p>\n

Thanks to Shadow Shaman\u2019s Mass Serpent Ward, those objectives were easy jobs for them. RNG called GG when Flying Penguins were breaking down their throne.<\/p>\n

In game two, FP went for a greedy draft which includes 3 micro-management heroes and Shadow Shaman.<\/p>\n

Lycan, Brewmaster and Chen are heroes able to micro more than 2 units, they are definitely the best pushers in this game. However, RNG countered them by last picking Medusa.<\/p>\n

Medusa is a hero very good in countering heroes that controls many units thanks to his first ability – Split Shot – Allows him to hit three extra targets with 75% of his damage.<\/p>\n

In game three, FP still first picked Shadow Shaman regardless of their pushing strategy failed in game two.<\/p>\n\n\n