FNATIC vs. TEAM VITALITY The most dominant EU LCS team meets the most unpredictable one in the other semifinal match,…

Dota 2: DreamLeague Season 9 betting predictions
DreamLeague Season 9 is an upcoming Dota Pro Circuit Minor scheduled to take place in Stockholm, Sweden between March 21st…

Dota 2 DreamLeague Season 9 team analysis 2018
DreamLeague Seasom 9 is only a minor on the Dota 2 Pro Circuit, but it is still expected to throw…

LoL: LCS EU Wk 9 Spring Split Sunday betting predictions
The last week of regular season matches in the EU LCS is about to start, and it’s going to be…

Dota 2 Betting Predictions for GESC: Indonesia Minor
GESC: Indonesia is an upcoming Dota Pro Circuit Minor scheduled to take place in Indonesia between March 15th – 18th….

Esports first reality show to give CS:GO players chance at going pro
A reality show, featuring potential CS:GO professionals, called GAMERZ will be exclusively live streamed on Mixer. The partnership means Gamingzone…

CS:GO – StarLadder i-League StarSeries Season 4 Bet Predictions
StarLadder & i-League StarSeries Season 4 is a premier Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) tournament scheduled to take place in Kiev,…

LOL: EU LCS Spring Split Week 3 bet predictions & team news
Free betting predictions and team power rankings for Week 3 of the League of Legends 2018 EU LCS Spring Split.

LOL: EU LCS Spring Split Week 1 bet predictions & team news
The 2018 European League of Legends Championship Series (EU LCS) is about to kick off its fifth season with a…